Trying the Proton official method described above.
Have created a branch template from Debian-11 template. We’ll call it protonvpn-template.
Performed first step: ‘wget’
I noticed my terminal stated ‘HTTP request sent’ instead of ‘HTTPS request sent’- is that typical? Network pathway was: sys-net > sys-firewall > clearnet-appvm. No Tor or other VPN involved in this process.
Moved to my protonvpn-template. Success.
In protonvpn-template things not as expected. See below:
‘sudo apt-get install ./protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.1-1_all.deb -y’
‘Reading package lists… Done
E: unsupported file ./protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.1-1_all.deb given on commandline’.
Any thoughts?
Follow up: Opened up file manager in protonvpn-template and dragged the file with GUI into it’s associated protonvpn-template after ‘sudo apt-get install’. The whole thing in terminal appeared as 'sudo apt-get install ‘/home/user/QubesIncoming/protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.1-1_all.deb’.
Result: [mostly omitted because it appears to be what you’d expect?]
‘N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file ‘[above referenced home directory location]’ couldnt be accessed by user ‘_apt’/ - pkgAquire: :Run (13: Permission denied)’
I take this to mean the permissions of the downloaded file are not such that I can run them after sending from one vm to another. Possibly because I downloaded the vpn stable release in step 1 with ‘sudo wget’ instead of ‘wget’. Maybe this puts some sort of lock on the file download? Am deleting all newly created vms and templates and starting over now.
After deleting all created vms and repeating this process, the cli and gui versions of protonvpn now do appear in my protonvpn qube. I cannot determine if it’s because if reinstalled in fresh qubes with ‘wget’ instead of ‘sudo wget’, or simply because i restarted qubes between loading up appvm qube this time around. I am able to log in with my proton credentials (it appears to recognize my status as a free user, but maybe that is just the default presentation when downloaded and it hasnt acknowledged my credentials at all). In any case- CANNOT CONNECT.
Initially all I had was a failed to connect notification in the protonvpn GUI. After trying to reconnect and making sure I had assigned a password for the default key that I was prompted to complete, I now get linked to a protonvpn troubleshooting window.
Anyone else had this? Will continue to troubleshoot and update.