Nube: 1st-time Installation Storage Settings; How to set or troubleshoot?


I am a Qubes nube and appreciate any help getting this working. Im not sure if the image (bottom of this post) is coming through because it does not preview. The image is of my MANUAL PARTITIONING dialog settings with an error message (which may provide useful information) after clicking DONE on the MANUAL PARTITIONING dialog.

I’m attempting a standard installation with a Qubes usb dedicating the entire PC hard drive to install cubes onto a
Lenovo Thinkpad X390 13.3" FHD(1920x1080) Business Laptop, Intel Core i5-8365U
with a 256GB ssd ATA SAMSUNG MZNLH256

:arrow_down:New Qubes OS R4.1.2 Installation
EFI System PArtition 100 MiB
Unknown 16 MiB
ntfs 509MiB
iso9660 28.91 GiB


Mount Point: /boot/efi
Desired Capacity: 237.86 GiBDevice(s): ATA SAMSUNG MZNLH256 …(sda)
Device Type: (grayed out) Encrypt not checked
File System: EFI System Partition Reformat Checked
Label: slap
Name: grayed out sda3

YELLOW TRIANGLE AT BOTTOM Error checking storage configuration.

If you want to dedicate the entire PC hard drive to install Qubes OS then you need to remove all other partitions on the drive and use automatic partitioning like this:

Thank you! That helped me find my way eventually. I could not find a guideline anywhere for reformatting and formatting the entire HD originally formatted and partitioned for Windows into the most basic installation using the entire HD. Where would something like that be found?

It’s a general Linux information and not Qubes OS specific. So instead of searching for “how do I format the drive in Qubes OS?” you can search for “how do I format the drive in Linux?” or “how do I format the drive in Fedora?” because Qubes OS AdminVM (dom0) is based on Fedora.
But it’s hard to know which information is Qubes-specific and which is not if you’re not even familiar with Linux. But basically all general Linux information will be applicable to Qubes OS.


Cool. That is a good guideline for Qubes Nube!

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