Mullvad VPN App 4.2 setup guide

Mullvad uses many different DNS addresses depending on what the user selects in the app. The default Wireguard DNS address is, but it can also be in the 100.64.0.x range if the user chooses to use the DNS filtering rules.
For OpenVPN, it’s different too. Each port gives a different subnet and the DNS is always 10.x.0.1. DNS filtering (100.64.0.x) also works with OpenVPN.

Since it’s hard to know what protocol the user will be using and if they will be using any DNS filtering rules, I would recommend adding the following script to update the DNS accordingly:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

update_dns() {
	# mullvad_on: 0 -> off, 1 -> on
	mullvad_on=$([[ $(grep -v -c "nameserver \+10.139" /etc/resolv.conf) -gt 0 ]] && echo 1 || echo 0)

	if [[ $mullvad_on -eq 1 ]]; then

		echo "Mullvad is on"

		# get the mullvad dns ip address. First one is used if there is more than one.
		mullvad_dns_ip=$(grep "nameserver" < /etc/resolv.conf| awk '{print $2}' | head -n 1)

		# delete all the lines defined in dnat-dns
		sudo nft flush chain ip qubes dnat-dns

		# forward all dns requests to mullvad dns servers
		sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns meta l4proto { tcp, udp } ip daddr {, } th dport 53 dnat to "$mullvad_dns_ip"


		echo "Mullvad is off"

		# get qubes nameserver ip addresses
		nameserver_ips=$(grep "nameserver" < /etc/resolv.conf| awk '{print $2}')

		# delete all the lines defined in dnat-dns
		sudo nft flush chain ip qubes dnat-dns

		# add rule to forward dns requests to qubes nameservers
		for ip in $nameserver_ips; do
			sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns ip daddr "$ip" udp dport 53 dnat to "$ip"
			sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns ip daddr "$ip" tcp dport 53 dnat to "$ip"


# check for /etc/resolv.conf content change
inotifywait -m -q -e close_write /etc/resolv.conf | while read -r;
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