Monitor layout change crashes qubes forever

note: nvidia (nouveau)+desktop

If I adjust the monitor layout on xfce it crashes me back to the login prompt and from there on crashes each time I login back to said prompt. (even past reboots)

On KDE it shortly gave me a paraphrased “couldnt start ksmserver please check your install” and blackscreens, eventually returning to the login prompt too.

Is there a fix? (on kde? my install isn’t xfce anymore) is this a known issue?

Edit: disconnecting a monitor fixes it temporarily, but if I try to apply any changes to monitors/displays it crashes again.


Have you tried with kernel-latest (5.8+ kernel)?

I’ve so far only tried to update dom0 and the VMs as I was told - how do I try kernel-latest?

Found this: - but is 5.8 in unstable repos? or in the “current” stable?

Yep that was it! just had to fire up:

sudo qubes-dom0-update kernel-latest kernel-latest-qubes-vm

and after a reboot that fixed it, thanks! :slight_smile:

You are welcome :slight_smile:

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More generally, “unstable” repo is not used on official repositories. It’s mostly for dev/testing purposes locally or for example on openQA. @marmarek @adw maybe it is worth to put a note about it somewhere?

It is already documented here:

Thank you Andrew I did not remember this part :slight_smile:

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