Moderation proposal: directing Coreboot/Heads questions to the appropriate forum(s), even in the All around qubes category

I just want to remind all parties here that i’m not against any proposal here but not in a place to discuss the matter further. Pros and cons have been poundered, and the conclusion here is that ecosystem is exploding in forks and I cannot commit more presence myself without representant of forks to also stand up and guarantee presence if such “coreboot” section was to be opened.

I am somewhat knowledgeable enough to fill the gaps and link to proper discussion sources, and cross-reference to other topics/discussions that already happened, but I restate here again that taking that role alone of debunking/straightening facts about coreboot/grub/seabios, linuxboot/uefi/heads/u-root, libreboot/blobs/blobless, dasharo/uefi/heads, nitrokey/heads, novacustom/heads, measured boot/verified boot/secure boot/boot guard, SRTM/DRTM/Anti-Evil maid in QubesOS/firmware are all subjects that will become of importance, and I cannot offer representation/correction of the facts by myself alone. Those, as proposed here, would all land under “coreboot” as here proposed. This is why I do not want to open a forum, nor participate under nitrokey/novacustom/dasharo/others to come, and would prefer it to be here if thoserepresentatives would join the effort, here, if this seems the right place.

Heads alone is something to explain, and I don’t seem to have successfully put the facts straight for that subject alone to pretend I will be able to feed that section with proper information/lead discussions alone.

Who jumps in in the event that section of the forum opens? @mike_banon ?