Messed up my start menu shortcuts with program finder

Hey guys,

as I switched to XFCE+i3 I also wanted to launch programs with my keyboard… In my case I press Win+D and a Program Finder pops up… There I could create Bookmarks… So I bookmarked everything I need to find quick and then renamed the Bookmarks… But then when opening the Qubes Application Menu I noticed that the elements are also renamed…

Is there a way to restore the original caption of these entries? And where are they located in the file system so I could add copies or new entries?

Thank you guys!

Yes. But it will overwrite your customization as well. The command is:

qvm-appmenus [VMNAME|--all] --update --force

Also be warned that ordinary updates or adding/removing applications from list of applications shown in the Qubes App Menu does the same.


Thank you, this restored the original Shortcuts…

But now I made a copy of one Desktop File and renamed it… It shows up in Qubes Application Menu but not not in the Application Finder…

Sadly application finder only monitors .desktop file creation and deletion. Not modification. You have to login and logout.

Also for more info:


Did a reboot and still my newly created .desktop files are recognized in Qubes Application Starter but not in Application Finder…

Saidly there seems no simple way to add custom shortcuts to App Finder like we can on the task bar…

Here is an example:


[Desktop Entry]
Name=personal: Xfce Terminal for glockmane
GenericName=personal: Terminal Emulator for glockmane
Comment=Terminal Emulator
# Categories=GTK;System;TerminalEmulator;X-Qubes-VM;
Exec=qvm-run -q -a --service -- personal qubes.StartApp+xfce4-terminal
X-Qubes-DispvmExec=qvm-run -q -a --service --dispvm=personal -- qubes.StartApp+xfce4-terminal

Note that I also modified the categories

Why did you modify the categories, is this needed?

In my concrete case I want to run a .sh script in dom0… I just named the .desktop file “localsend_lan.desktop”…

[Desktop Entry]
Name=LocalSend (LAN)
Comment=Share files to nearby devices.

Just discovered that this doesn’t even run from Qubes Application Menu… But works fine as starter Shortcut…

I am not fully certain. The categories are important as how the .desktop file is interpreted within Qubes App Menu, Whishker menu, XFCE’s Native menu, etc. There are even few which are native to KDE. I believe the Freedesktop specs specifies some of the non-standards (especially the KDE’s).

Reading the specs from the links I shared earlier and study of the existing desktop files within the user’s home directory and shared directory is going to be helpful. As well as experimenting.

The above will not work in some cases. You will need the absolute path of the executable.

Now this works like a charm, thank you very much…


I rember experimenting with a starter command and there I had to the following to make it work…

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