NOTE: All of this has been tested on a Vanilla QubesOS 4.2.3 (XFCE + latest updates) install with LibreBoot 20241209 being the firmware.
I tested most of this functionality on another distro before to rule out hardware damages or QubesOS-specific stuff. So when I’m saying “XYZ is not working” I do not mean “it’s not working on qubes/dom0/xen/…” but “It’s not working on ‘regular’ GNU/Linux, but it’s ALSO not working on QubesOS 4.2.3”
When I say that “libreboot is claiming this and that”, I’m referring to this.
closing the lid is detected
suspend seems to be working
Function keys (to my surprise, as they shouldn’t according to libreboot)
internal keyboard + trackpad + trackpoint
External speakers
Integrated webcam
Not working / unkown:
headphone jack – expected as stated in the patch notes.
xen-acpi-processor – the problem mentioned in this thread.
If there’s anything amiss, you’ve encountered mistakes I’ve made or you have some other improvements/ suggestions, PLS! let me know!
Should there be stuff that’s easy for me but vital for you to test (like the HDMI port), also let me know, I’ll try to make it possible if it’s elementary to you.
I’m only a libreboot user by coincidence / lack of skill, as I tried Máté Kukris’ exploit by hand for some time and didn’t get it to boot so as a last resort I took the libreboot path.
I’ll stay on that firmware for a week or so but if there’s not much resonance I’ll be off building, flashing and running his patches from gerrit and do the coreboot thing myself.
I just wondered about this one, bc before the libreboot-thingy/ w/ stock I once had a live distro running and it showed me 8 cores if I’m not utterly mistaking.
Since I tried another distro before, I thought this would be a libreboot problem/feature not a QubesOS specific sec thing.
But might be the other distro implementing things in the same way as QubesOS does.
It just stroke me as odd as usually on Lenovo XX30 T440p W54X it never happened to me before.
Qubes disables SMT (hyperthreading) in kernel by default but Libreboot also does this (as far as 8 revision is concerned). It can be changed when building libreboot rom from source by modifying config for the motherboard.
Lenovo ThinkPad T480 + Libreboot
Tested on 8th revision (latest as writing this post). Installed without problems but I didn’t hear FAN throughout entire installation (CPU sensors are not detected).
suspend/resume works
closing lid is detected
trackpoint, trackpad, keyboard works
USB ports
microSD port
internal speakers, microphone
function keys (keyboard backlight, setting brightness) works. It didn’t work in first release but it was fixed before 8th revision
Not tested
Headphone jack
Fingerprint reader
Smart card reader
external display
external speakers/microphone
TPM - it’s disabled by default due to some bugged SeaBIOS drivers AFAIK
Not working
xen-acpi-processor is not being loaded automatically and didn’t figure out how to do it manually
CPU sensors are not detected so I can’t base some FAN speeds on that. (but they are detected on Debian)
Checking CPU frequency by xenpm doesn’t work and xenpm performance settings do nothing too, so I can’t manage some performance settings like modifying energy-perf setting to save some battery. So AFAIK, you can’t increase CPU performance in xen easily for now.
Working but a bit broken
trackpoint is a bit decalibrated (?) comparing to Qubes install without libreboot (I needed to use 4.0 sensitivity as I previously used 5.0 to match speed)
trackpad seems to have a bit less accurate movement detection (like it doesn’t always follow my finger correctly comparing to using it on this machine before librebooting)
CPU performance is a bit worse that before librebooting but still as fast for me to not worry about too much
I noticed some screen tearing when moving windows with high CPU usage in dom0, independent of what which display driver I currently use. I didn’t notice it before librebooting.
As said above, FAN is working but it looks rather on some temperature sensor on the motherboard than on CPU sensors which are not detected. I don’t think if correctly but I can guess that in some cases CPU might work on higher temperatures without FAN turning on (like while installing Qubes) so take it into consideration.