KDE - changing the way you use Qubes

Wayland isn’t supported at the moment

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Could you give some glimpse, how do you do that (the script) ?
I could use this method, since I do often Clean Install.

I`m getting better in, setting things up after fresh install of Xfce. That Script could be a time saver.

Anather toppic : Kde application menu not saving

I Wrote that my version of /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/55xfce-qubes.sh, witch works on my qubes 5th time every time perfectly well.
In the comment unman pointed that my Edit is wrong.
Yet, when I was trying to use his advise, Edit application is not working.
What is the right way ?


# Use Qubes provided menu instead of default XFCE one
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ]; then


I know that for some peculiar reason, whenever I install KDE (two different computers, two different versions of Qubes), $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP is not set to “KDE”. So the check shown there is wrong for me. (This seems to have surprised unman when it first happened.) It may be wrong for you too in which case it’s fairly quick to diagnose.

Do an echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP and it will tell you what to put in place of “KDE” in that if statement. In my case it’s “plasmaX11”. So the if-check for me needs to read:

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "plasmaX11" ]; then

After which the menu worked properly.

Maybe I ask question wrong :wink:

This is what I use In every computer with KDE:
And is working well.


# Use Qubes provided menu instead of default XFCE one
if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ] || [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "plasma" ];

And is Unman Version :


if [ “$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP” = “KDE” ]; then


Is any of this any wrong ?

“Do an echo $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP” - I did and It shown me PlasmaX11

I’m getting KDE for the $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP

@heavy.water0759 and @SteveC do you use something else than the standard or perhaps you know why you get plasmaX11 instead of KDE?

Yes - your script is broken. You cant have a hanging if-else without a
closing fi

What you describe as “my version” is old. In the KDE thread I proposed
exactly the use of alternatives you have used.

Under 4.2, KDE seems to consistently use a value of plasmax11 for
So the file under 4.2 at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/55xfce-qubes.sh
should be altered to:


# Use Qubes provided menu instead of default XFCE one

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "KDE" ] || [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = "plasmax11" ];


If you are on 4.2, and this doesnt work, then it’s always worth
checking the value of $XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP - if you have some other
value under KDE just edit the config file above to include that.

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I see now, I gona give a try and let you know “if” this work :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have no idea why I was different in version 4.1/ I just know it has happened to me that way on two different systems.

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but, speaking of 4.2, @unman, I can’t seem to find a theme that preserve the colored window borders. I get a colored icon in the upper left but no solid colored border. Of course all I have are Breeze (and on some of the tabs under appearances there are multiple variants thereof) and here and there fedora 37 and Plastik.

Settings->Appearance->Window Decorations->Theme
At bottom is Window border size which can be set as you like.
I use Breeze with heavy borders.
It works for me, and is persistent.

Why one would get KDE and another plasmaX11, any explanation to this?

I have not seen KDE with plasmashell 5.27.8 , KDE framework 5.108.0 -
only plasmaX11
I kept the KDE entry because it is standard XDG session value and I thought it
possible it might be used. Also, for an in place upgrade or config
reset, it is carried over from 4.1

Whoops, I guess I wasn’t clear. I am seeing borders (and used that setting to get them). They’re just not colored. Neither is the title bar with the decorations.

There’s certainly no harm in retaining the || (‘or’) there.

One never knows when they’ll go back…perhaps sometime after they think everyone is using Wayland and there’s no need to support (and distinguish) X11.

Colored for me - how did you install KDE in 4.2 and what packages did it
bring in?

I did:
sudo qubes-dom0-update @kde-desktop-qubes

which downloaded but didn’t install. So then I tried the recommended fix for that:

    sudo qubes-dom0-update breeze-icon-theme colord-kde dolphin kcm_systemd \
        kde-runtime kde-settings-pulseaudio kde-style-breeze kdelibs \
        kdeplasma-addons kdialog khelpcenter khotkeys kinfocenter kmenuedit \
        kmix konsole5 kscreen ksysguard kwin phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer \
        plasma-breeze plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-doc plasma-pa \
        plasma-user-manager plasma-workspace polkit-kde qt5-qdbusviewer sddm \
        sddm-breeze sddm-kcm sni-qt

This skipped over a lot of things (brought down by kde-desktop-qubes) but also installed (IIRC) over 100 other things.

Followed (again as suggested somewhere I can’t find now) by reissuing the same command again only with --action=reinstall between “update” and “breeze-icon-theme”

Not sure how to tell what got installed solely as a result of this, which I think you were also asking for.

That’s your problem.

You should’ve run:
sudo qubes-dom0-update kde-settings-qubes
as it says in the docs: KDE (desktop environment) | Qubes OS


That did it. I just had to run that command and reboot (maybe I only needed to log out/log back in; now I’ll never know). Fortunately it was not necessary to uninstall and reinstall!


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I suddenly have KDE as the value for XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP.

I switched to sddm.

KDE seems to be the better choice than xfce for QubesOS due to its inherent ease of use and productivity for the majority of people, in my humble opinion.

I’m unsure why there was a move away from it. Security concerns?

Regardless unfortunately modern KDE with Qubes 4.2.1 has too many problems for me to make it worth using compared to xfce. Sound card issues, constant pulseaudio crashes that make it unrecoverable and a lot of small bugs that make it just unpleasant to deal with.

I do hope we can one day return to KDE though. I would fully support it!