You seem to have some knowledge about what you are doing, and therefore what you want.
For those beginners with Qubes, not matter how experienced they are with are with Linux.
I would start by asking several questions.
What is your threat level? Separating out several groups.
Are you trying to avoid getting inundated with advertising?
Which I translate to mean. I don’t mind if those around me know I am shopping for specialized hardware to run Qubes. I feel I am open to others, ISP, those around me knowing I am using Qubes.
Do you have a bit of money, and want to avoid having someone use malware to take money, financial opportunities, information away from you?
Same on your personal safety concerns as before.
Do you want to use Qubes with your company.
I translate to add, you want powerful speedy hardware, as you need to accomplish things quickly. Might indicate you would prefer a tower, as you don’t mind using it from an office location. and the dollar cost is less an issue.
Some who come here. Price is a big factor.
Some are like college students. Some are trying to take Qubes out like, I am thinking of this. but I can’t -directly- start using Qubes for all my online computer things. It i s a minor tryout, I don’t want to spend a lot of my time trying to adapt to a hardware. Or learning stuff. Some of this I think comes from; “I tried Qubes on a computer I already had, and, 'Oh my goodness it was a lot of trouble with the hardware I tried it on was not really compatible. I don’t have the time to read through all the documentation to figure out these not very clear error messages the Installer gives out.”
Maybe the person thinking of using Qubes is trying to escape the interference in their lives of a significant other, who might plant spyware. or former business connection (partner, business rival-opponent). Which of course, you can’t let them actually have access to your physical computer.
If person asking the question is like a Journalist/Lawyer/Human Rights worker. I feel you assume the “Threat level” of the people you might work with. If only they contact you while thinking you do something for those whose lives/health are at extreme risk.
For a lot of newbies, we would answer the question, which computer I want to buy.
It is about “Threat Level.” which is about what they want to accomplish.
Money. How much money they have to spend? Availability, perhaps buying surreptitiously (anonymously) even a rich person in some countries would not want to directly order a computer model mostly linked to Qubes.
Consider: How they are going to connect to the internet? Availability, Risks in that, for them?
The answers one would give to your question, assumes the OP has already, or can go resolve these questions for themselves.
I think some of those answering to the OP, are actually thinking of their own life situations, not the OP. Then again, it my post does not directly answer the question, which is not good forum conduct. but I do it in a “Preponderance of Caution.”