Is it possible to have a root template from which other templates branch out and specialize?

I think we now have two questions:

  1. Q: Can updates to a parent template automatically apply to child templates that might also have other software installed and taking updates that the parent doesn’t have. A: Not feasible as a supportable feature with currently available tech. Best simulation is a general purpose template with appvms using snap or similar for “local” software installs.

  2. Q: Updating multiple similar templates with the same exact updates seems wasteful of storage space. Already discussed is reducing downloads using a caching proxy, but I see a question of “Can we merge the storage used by the updates after the fact using dedupe tech?” A1: somewhat feasible and I think @Demi has been talking to the thin-tools people about multiple issues including this area, but remember it may not give the return on investment one may assume, based on several variables (allocation layout etc). A2: my solution is to semi-manually rebuild a branch of forked templates from time to time, discarding the current more bloated set, using notes and/or bash scripts ; others ( e.g. @unman ) are more disciplined and use salt, etc.


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