The taskbar is notifying me that volume “private” is running out of space in one of my qubes. I ran ‘df -h’ in that qube but nothing is more than about 30% full. I see that I can increase storage space but how can I figure out what is taking up the space?
What’s the exact warning message?
Double check the usage % of the /dev/xvdb (/rw) partition in the df -h
I increased the storage space after posting and it appears that I can’t decrease it again so I can’t get the exact message but it said something about the volume “private” being almost full at about 90%.
I’m getting the same message in the same app qube again even after increasing the storage space before. /dev/xvdb on myqubename is using 20% according to df -h but I’m getting the following warning:
The following qubes are running out of space: myqubename
myqubename: volume private is 92% full
Will you still get this warning if you restart myqubename?
The error doesn’t seem to reappear after restarting the qube. I would have thought that indicates /tmp was filling up but according to df -h the /tmp usage percentage wasn’t high before I restarted the qube. Are there other possibilities?
Maybe it’s checking the used storage space in the previous revision of your private storage and not the current running state of the private storage.
Did you fill up the private storage space during your previous qube boot?
I actually only use the qube for web browsing and it’s rather lightweight web browsing. I don’t see how I could have ever gotten near filling it up.