I want to transfer my windows into qubes

Hi, i’m using windows on my laptop and want to use qubes os. But i do not want to lose my operating system. So is it possible to turn into a image my entire windows with files, apps etc. and import in qubes?

I bet if you took a bootable iso like mint and created a StandAlone VM with no template in HVM and loaded that iso, then you could probably run gnome-disk while in mint live and attach a backup image and just restore it to the “hard drive” of the VM using gnome disks! You could probably just install the Windows Tools right in the VM and get it to work.

You would also need to take an image of the hard drive using gnome-disks using bootable Mint Linux beforehand too.

i don’t know if that would work though! :rofl:

You can create a new standalone qube and use the image of your Windows disk during it creation using qvm-create CLI tool in dom0:

–root-copy-from=FILENAME, -r FILENAME

Use provided root.img instead of default/empty one (file will be copied). If the provided file does not have the same size as the system volume being created, the VM will still be created but with an empty system volume, and the program will report an error. This option is mutually exclusive with --root-move-from.

qvm-create – create new domain — Qubes Admin client v4.3.4-0-gd9db37f-dirty documentation

If your Windows used UEFI boot mode then you’ll need to enable UEFI for your qube as well.
Set uefi feature for it:
qvm-features <vm-name> uefi 1
Add ovmf.bin in your dom0:

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