I want to reboot sys-whonix without closing my Whonix workstation qubes

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When Whonix gateway is updated using the Qubes updater, the sys-whonix qube is rebooted without any fuss, even when I have Whonix workstation qubes open.

However, when I try to reboot sys-whonix manually, Qubes tells me to close all my Whonix workstation qubes. That means closing all my work. A major PITA.

For context, I turn off networking now and then, and this causes sdwdate to get cranky. Rebooting sdwdate doesn’t always work, but rebooting sys-whonix does.

Any OGs know how to pull this off with a command I can bind to a key? Or anything?

Is there an obvious reason why this might be a really bad idea?


A workaround is to open a terminal in the qube, type systemctl reboot, the qube will stop (but not restart), then start the qube manually either from the menu or with qvm-start $qube_name, this will do the trick fine.

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My initial thought was to suggest you to set network of workstation qubes to “none”, then reboot sys-whonix, then set it as workstations network-qube again.

But I just checked and my sys-whonix rebooted without any questions (I did this at Qube Manager), even though it was a networking qube for other qubes, which is quite unexpected behavior.

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Here the solution for a keybinding for a bash script in dom0:

[[ $(qvm-ls --fields=name --running | grep sys-whonix) ]] && qvm-run sys-whonix "/usr/bin/systemctl reboot"
sleep 5 # to give sys-whonix time to shutdown
[[ ! $(qvm-ls --fields=name --running | grep sys-whonix) ]] && qvm-start sys-whonix
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You can use qvm-shutdown sys-whonix --force --wait to shut down sys-whonix and wait for it to completely shut down.