I need help with dark mode

I just want dark mode. I dont get dark mode in qubes manager. Heres what i tried to do.

  1. sudo qubes-dom0-update qt5ct qt5-qtstyleplugins
  2. export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
  3. qt5ct
    Then i put it on dark mode

Still no dark mode

I also tried

1 sudo vim /etc/environment
2 i
4 esc
5 :x

Im not sure WHAT im doing but we all start somewhere right

Hmm, looks like you was using different (maybe wrong) commands…

First is install qt5-qtstyleplugins package in dom0 terminal with:

sudo qubes-dom0-update qt5-qtstyleplugins

in /etc/environment it should be


then insert in dom0 terminal


And then your qubes manager probably will went dark…??

…after the next reboot?

Hey that worked, thanks

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