How to update non-template qubes over qrexec while using apt-cahcer-ng as netVM & everything in policies talk about cacher

@unman From my tests, to have all qubes being able to install applications (since there repo definitions changed per cacher deployment)

It is required to

  • have the AppVM policy statement to be able use RPC calls to cacher
[user@dom0 ~]$ cat /etc/qubes/policy.d/30-user.policy 
#qubes.UpdatesProxy  *  @tag:whonix-updatevm    @default    allow target=sys-whonix
qubes.UpdatesProxy  *  @type:AppVM  @default  allow target=cacher
qubes.UpdatesProxy  *  @type:TemplateVM  @default  allow target=cacher

(Note that in above case, I am able to use cacher for tor+https use cacher since I have modifed userinfo.html content in template-cacher so that it exposes its proxy as enforcing tor. That is ok for my use case, since I have cacher use sys-whonix as netvm. This is discussed under and more concisely for implementation details under

  • have all qubes wanting to install software until reboot to have the qubes-proxy-setup service activated, otherwise repository definitions containing http://HTTPS/// are simply failing from app-qubes (normal afterall).

@enmus does that answer your question?

@unman : I will not open a cacher issue as of now, but this is an issue. I think all app qubes should use the RPC call as the templates do for software install. After all, users might install a software inside of a qube/dispvm first to see if it behaves correctly, and the dispvm template will be derived from the templatevm which is configured to use cacher as well. I do not see any case where not having qubes-proxy-setup feature activated.
