How to Update Dom0 from 6.6 to 6.11

Hello, I have been using Qubes for several years. I was able to update Dom0 via the Qubes Update tool. Since I updated to Qubes 4.2, I cannot update the Dom0 kernel from 6.6.63-1 to the stable 6.11. How do I update the Dom0 kernel?
Thanks in Advance.

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You need to install kernel-latest and kernel-latest-qubes-vm


What is the reasoning for running 6.11 instead of 6.6.63 ? Iā€™m running the latter. I installed 4.2.1 from scratch and left the settings at default. Why would I want 6.11 ?

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Mostly better support for newer hardware. Sometimes bug fixes and performance improvements.


Thanks renehoj. The command works and I am now on 6.11.