How to troubleshoot "no wifi" in qubes

Could (have?) you try/tried and pick “fedora 36” as the template for your sys-net?

FML - that did the trick! (Using fedora-37 tho).

Thank you @cayce & @ChrisA for the patience and support - you onboarded another Qubes enthusiast :slight_smile: :saluting_face:


FYI - I had to install Qubes from scratch again and this issue seems to be reproducible for me. Switching over to Fedora is the solution, good to know!

How to troubleshoot “no WiFi” -

  1. Review qube settings in sys-net to make sure that WiFi adapter is
    allocated in “Devices” tab.
    Allocate if not there, restart sys-net.
  2. Check logs (Right click on qube in QM, select “Logs” from menu) - look
    for any errors relating to WiFi adapter.
    If errors relate to reset, change this setting using button on Devices
    tab of Settings.
  3. Check log in sys-net - journalctl -b - look for errors or warnings re
    WiFi adapter.
    You may see that firmware is missing - if possible install firmware in
    template. Restart sys-net.
  4. If possible try using kernel latest in qube - (QM->Settings->Advanced).
  5. Try changing template for sys-net to other distro - Fedora<->Debian

How do you install with no WiFi? See if you can use Ethernet port.Most WiFi
routers come with Ethernet ports and provide a cable (in my experience).
If this isn’t possible, if you have access to another machine, download
the packages there, and transfer to USB stick. Move the stick to your
offline machine, attack it to your template using qvm-devices tool, and

Steps 2 and 3 may provide some information. You can search for that
error message and will likely find what to do.

If all you are interested in is a quick fix, run step 5 first, or
after step 1.
Sometimes simply switching template is enough.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.