How to Properly Search the QubesOS Repository on Github

I am confused. I tried numerous times. How this will lead me to qubes-core-qrexec/doc/multifile-policy.markdown at master · QubesOS/qubes-core-qrexec · GitHub exactly?

yes, since I couldn’t find it via Github search.

I’m trying, first exploring myself, then asking for help, but can’t get simple answer how to reach qubes-core-qrexec/doc/multifile-policy.markdown at master · QubesOS/qubes-core-qrexec · GitHub

If I use this, I get

Not to say that if I use this on Google, what meaningless results I get

I’m trying, first exploring myself, then asking for help, but can’t get simple answer how to reach qubes-core-qrexec/doc/multifile-policy.markdown at master · QubesOS/qubes-core-qrexec · GitHub via Github search

And agian:

when I manually type it, or choose it via Advanced search, I’m getting

We couldn’t find any repositories matching ‘user:qubesos extension:.markdown filename:multifile-policy language:Markdown’
You could search all of GitHub or try an advanced search.

If i click on Repository search results · GitHub obviously as you can see I’m getting first to sign in again. Clicking on Avanced search is meaningless, since I came there via Advanced search.

So… where I’m wrong? No, really…