Thanks for the link!
As this requires an open dom0 window and seems pretty static (no information about opened window or window in focus as far as i read) i think the “most challenging” part is to find out what window is in focus. If you can get that, you can script anything you like and hook it to a shortcut.
I found a solution here
ID=`xdotool getwindowfocus`
QUBE=`xprop _QUBES_VMNAME -id $ID|cut -f2 -d\" `
does return the name of the qube that has the active window.
- Script whatever you want like opening terminals, attaching blkdevices or restarting.
- Create a keyboard shortcut, for example with the “keyboard” setting of xfce and launch your script
Have fun
PS: @McbXPdkWfyGbyvJvpXpw Thank you very much for asking this question! Now i have many many ideas on what i can do with that like creating keyboard shortcuts to modify networking of active qubes however i like and such like.