How to easy install any Windows os

How to easy install any Windows OS where i dont need to sign in to anything microsoft or windows as i only need a windows qube vm so that i can download 1 specific Hikvision software to it which only works on windows.

I did download TinyWindows .ISO file and set up a standalone VM Qube but the thing wont work properly, not sure if i needed to download the QWT stuff for it to work, i was hoping i dont as i read up here long-time that the QWT and windows are not secure i.e. untrusted so i got scared and wondered if anyone here has any more knowledge than me which shouldn’t be difficult as i dont know much at all?

Install windows in a qube with no netvm. Windows will ask nothing with regard to account and cloud because it won’t find a network adapter.

ok so i just do it all over again but no net access, whats the minimum memory and storage do you think i can get away with as it wanted loads last time?

Also once its all set up with no network, can i then give it network to download the software etc?

give 50 GB of storage and 4 GB of memory


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should i give same to system storage as well as private storage?

do i need to download QWT in dom0 or you think i not need that?

Does this apply to Win7/10 only or Win11 too?

It’s the same for all of them.

It might be better to install them as templates and then work with AppVMs based on that. The AppVMs will use the same license; so don’t start them when a template is running. And it will be better to download any software using a Linux VM and then copy the installation kit to the Windows VM, so there is no need to connect the Windows VM to a netVM.

what if i have no Licence at all?

also i tried to download elsewhere but unfortunately there is no Files option in the windows qube VM so i cant get anything like normal otherwise?

Also i seem unable to make the windows qube vm any larger by clicking and dragging it it just moves the vmqube window around?

i dont seem to have any c&p function, do you know how to get it please?

I can confirm that it defo work properly by doing it that way, im now able to download new browser on the windows vm qube and the software which i defo couldnt do before but i dont seem to have the C&Paste function between dom0 and the new windows qube vm, would you know how i get that working and make the vm qube window bigger please? Thanks

So WIn11 doesn’t check for TPM or Intel CPU generation without a netVM? Just checking before I begin.

Windows 11 will check on TPM and so on, with or without a network adapter. To disable that, follow the instructions in the Qubes documentation - hoping that M$ has not modified W11’s behavior in the meantime.

You will get c&p only if you install QWT.

You may install Windows without a license, but then you are restricted like in any other Windows installation without a license (no personalization, only limited time of use, etc.)

In order to change the screen resolution of a Windows qube, you have to do it in the window settings within that qube. Another possibility might be to use the Alt-F8 key. But: Both options may work in one installation and not in another one.

Thanks for all your replies, most helpful :heart: