How to do Qubes OS backups in command line

This works for me, try it as a test with some empty qube:

$ ls /etc/qubes/backup -la
total 16
drwxrwx--- 2 root qubes 4096 May 18 01:54 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root  4096 May 10 20:44 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user   104 Jun  15 14:40 qubes-manager-backup.conf

$ cat /etc/qubes/backup/qubes-manager-backup.conf
compression: true
destination_path: /tmp/
destination_vm: vault
- personal
passphrase_text: 'test'

$ qvm-backup --profile qubes-manager-backup
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Hey doing this has worked! Thanks!

$ qvm-backup --profile only_dom0

The only_dom0.conf file resides in /etc/qubes/backup/only_dom0.conf and its filename owner/group and permissions are the same as in your example.

Now I am just wondering whether the source of the bug I had was:

1/ not having the passphrase_text string within single quotes (’)
2/ not designating the --profile argument as single file name (instead, I always gave the full path with .conf file extension)