How I choose the color for new qubes

I thought someone could be interested in how I choose the color for a new qube. It follows some of the defaults of a fresh Qubes OS install.

  • black: offline vault

  • gray: almost offline, connected only by qvm-connect

  • purple: online, 100% open-source software, no cloud services

  • blue: online, 100% open-source software, trusted cloud services

  • yellow: online, contains trusted closed-source software

  • orange: online, contains untrusted closed-source software or I use it for untrusted cloud services

  • green: firewall

  • red: untrusted, like sys-net and sys-usb

What trusted/untrusted means: do you trust the cloud service, website, or closed-source software not to spy on your activities and sell your data?


  • multimedia appVM: I use it to listen to Spotify, which spies on me, so its color is orange.
  • email appVM: I trust my email provider, so the color of this VM is blue.
  • surfer appVM: I don’t log in into any any web services in this qube, and all data is deleted on browser close, so the color is purple
  • sys-vpn: I trust my VPN provider, and I use open-source to connect to it, so the color is blue.
  • debian-12-xfce-nonfree templateVM: contains the closed-source Spotify client, which I distrust, so the color is orange.
  • cloud appVM: where I log into several cloud services like ChatGPT or Google which sell my data; orange color
  • social appVM: for social media; orange color
  • banking appVM: forced KYC that continuously gets hacked and leaked; orange color

I like the color choices

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It’s a nice idea, but it’s very individual thing.
Can’t I just remove this thing all together somehow? It also affect the application icons and what not.
Why am I forced to this kind of annoyance.

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I think there is a way to disable it, but I wasn’t able to find it back on the forum.

This is a security feature¹ with no simple way to disable it out of the box.

Seems there are no issue in the issue trackers about someone asking for a way to remove colors :thinking:

¹: the forced color can be used to distinguish windows from one qube to another, but also from qubes windows to dom0 windows. You are not the first person asking how to disable it though, it can be annoying to some people.

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It is only possible to do it programmatically. The icon effect is via icon-receiver (Python) and the Window borders are via gui-daemon (C Language).

Not with the same title. It is this one: