I have just discovered that Linux (or at least Fedora-37) has five possible states of the root password. My question therefore resolves into which is the Qubes default of …
passwd -l root
Password Exists
Login Behavior
Passwordless Root
No direct root login
Root Account Locked
No direct root login
Root Enabled with Password
Login as root allowed
Root with Keys Only
Key-based root login only
Root Completely Disabled
Root login fully blocked
I clearly messed with things way above my Linux knowledge, so any advice (e.g. Don’ts) before I start experimenting tomorrow would be appreciated.
I think Qubes is either the first or the second of those 5, but I think it probably doesn’t matter too much.
You should still have passwordless ‘sudo’, because the sudo command takes care of it.
I don’t know if ‘su -’ normally works without password input, but if you need a root shell then you can simply type ‘sudo su -’
As for getting back to no password, a quick look at ‘man passwd’ suggests that ‘sudo passwd -d’ could be the command to run, although I would test it first in a disposable.
Thanks phceac, for suggesting I try it in a disposable. I keep forgetting how easy and quick it is to generate these with Qubes, (and then just kill them if anything goes wrong) .
I have also realized that I have a second, (unmodified) Qubes system which I can “interrogate” to see exactly what the default password settings are. I can then (safely) experiment with a disposable until the same “interrogation” gives the same results. Repeat for Dom0 and that should give me confidence that at least the root password is back to what it was.
I do not pretend to understand everything these do, and can take no responsibility for anybody that tries them, but I seem to have successfully reverted back after inadvertently setting a root password.
To revert back, I entered …
sudo passwd -l root
sudo usermod -p '!' root
The results from the system now returned to default are …
Which only differs in the dates from the results I got from an unchanged Qubes installation.
So that problem is solved and without locking myself out.
Now to have a go at my hard disk and backup problems