How do I create a standalone VM?

@bill actually, installing a non-native VM for this purpose is loosing out on a lot of Qubes features.

  • security-wise
    you’ll be running that qube in the HVM virtualization mode which the docs state has security disadvantages compared to standard qubes VMs (which run in PHV mode)

  • convenience-wise
    You’ll be missing on automated updates (through Qubes Updates); you’ll be seeing the desktop of that VM instead of a seamless experience where the windows integrate well with everything else, etc.

Installing a non-standard linux distribution from a .iso image as a Standalone HVM should only be considered as the last resort. With this in mind I would advise you to follow a very detailed guide that I just created for this particular case:

Note on proprietary software

While I do not endorse the use of such kind of software (for reasons relating to one’s freedom, independence and security) I understand not everyone can afford to spend time installing and learning free software.

So as a general disclaimed before digging deeper, I leave here the recommendation that people do look for Freedom Software alternatives. Most likely they do exist and will be better in the long run.