How can I make Protonvpn 4.1 login/settings persistent?

Hello, first of all thank you for the quality of Qubes OS.

I have a question: How can I make Protonvpn 4.1 desktop login/settings persistent ?

I’d like to do it with bind-dirs and what file name should I put in bind+= ( ? ) ?

Thank you very much

I don’t know how to make it persistent, I had the same issue.

You can uninstall the protonvpn package, and install the protonvpn-cli and protonvpn-gui packages, then you get the old version back.

That was what I ended up doing after getting annoyed with the new client.

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To set up with OpenVPN, you just have to follow the tutorial :slight_smile: it work perfectly:

For a configuration with wireguard, @solene made a perfect tutorial :wink:

I’ve set up my sys-vpn with these two methods and everything works perfectly :slight_smile:

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Hello, this is very easy follow these steps How to make any file persistent (bind-dirs) | Qubes OS

Replace /var/lib/tor by the folder of your vpn settings. You have to find yourself where is the folder settings of protonvpn in linux inside of the appvm sorry i don’t know where he is… maybe it’s inside /home/user/.config (??)

If you are using a minimal template install thunar or nautilus inside the template where you want to use your vpn for find the folder and click on “Show hidden files” like i said i think proton vpn keep settings inside the hidden folder in home.

For a example i’m using ivpn GUI so i replace binds+=( '/var/lib/tor ) by binds+=( ‘/home/user/.config/IVPN’ ) and binds+=( ‘etc/opt/ivpn’ )

(I don’t know if the second folder of IVPN was necessary for me i just put this folder inside the conf file because it was a ivpn folder)

Reboot your appvm and then connect setup your settings and voila ! everything should be persistent now.

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/home is already part of /rw, you don’t need it here.

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Oh thanks you ! I didn’t know so that mean i have to change my conf file “/home/user/.config/IVPN” by “/.config/IVPN” ??

Everything in /home is set in /rw (which is the AppVM private volume) so you don’t need any bind-dir there.
For example, create a file in /home/user (touch test) then check in /rw/home/user/, you’ll see that the file is there.

Also visible in /etc/fstab:

/dev/xvdb		/rw			auto	noauto,defaults,discard,nosuid,nodev	1 2
/rw/home        /home       none    noauto,bind,defaults,nosuid,nodev 0 0
/rw/usrlocal        /usr/local       none    noauto,bind,defaults 0 0
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This is strange because my ivpn-gui settings is persistent only if i have a bind-dir

But you’re maybe right when i use mullvad-gui i don’t need to use a bind dir everything stay without to use bind dir it’s only with ivpn…