September 9, 2021, 2:22pm
It’s not as if there haven’t been numerous such threads already.
I shouldn’t dampen your enthusiasm, but you might like to look
back at “Now You’re Thinking with Qubes”, “What’s your system layout
like?”, and other discussions.
A major problem with this sort of thread is that I suspect that the
more security/privacy oriented users will be reluctant to give anything
except fairly generic details.
I use multiple templates, most based on debian-minimal: I use a caching
proxy to ease updates.
I use disposables heavily: my storage qubes are minimal with no installed
reader/viewer programs.
I use split-ssh, split-gpg, and split-mail.
I use BSD for one sys-net.
I use Tor, but not Whonix.
I salt everything.
oh sorry, i didnt saw that, i searched for “use qubes” because i thought find threads like this but i saw i also cant find my thread if im searching for “use qubes”
but i’ll link now for other people the threads that are existing atm and would edit this post if i find other threads like this:
The concept of ‘qubes’ (the VMs) is a game-changer to me, since it allows for modularity as though you have a bunch of computers inside your computer–except these computers can be created, destroyed, and recreated at will; and also be modified and connected to your heart’s desires (if you have the technical skills).
I’m still stuck in the paradigm of using qubes in the prescribed method (sys-VMs, disp-VMs, etc.) and am wondering if there are more creative people out there who have found other w…
I enjoy reading posts where people discuss their system layouts and rationales, so after reading @Sean 's post (linked below) on my other thread, I decided to create a thread for this.
Don’t forget to create a new account and scramble your language if you want to be really anonymous, but don’t forget the security principle stating that a truly secure system is one that an adversary is unable to penetrate even after having full access to all schematics (it has a name, but I forgot it).
do you think so? i think to post a qubes layout wouldnt affect your security? also because we all dont know each other.
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