Here I am yet again

Twice, twice today I have had to “FORCE” shutdown my qube while trying to backup. I am just trying to backup HVM’s and what do you know AGAIN, just like i have been reporting to all of you, if your paying attention “there is a problem with this backup tool”.

My qube locks up, hard drive pegged, no mouse, no keyboard. Have to FORCE shutdown and THANK GOD My qube came back and no “BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH”…

It is apparent that someone or some people are not testing there code before release or just winging it appears. I have proven time and time again it’s not a hardware issue, it’s a Qubes issue, just go back through all my post over the last 4-5 months. Sometimes I can backup, then a update comes along and now I can’t, AMAZING!!!

Last valid backup:
date: 10/29/24
Size: 120Gib

Now as of today I am back to square 1, like 4 months ago backing up, same problems…

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I think it’s a hardware-specific problem with Xen/Qubes OS. Maybe high disk IO load with your specific hardware driver is overflowing the system with interrupts or something like this.

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IDK, maybe

I tried again which make 3x yesterday and I watched.
So it appears there is something that launches in the back ground when I launch the "qubes gui backup) I see my “status bar” move but don’t see any icon load.
Make all my selections pick which HVM I want to backup, Backup starts, it isn’t even 20 minutes into this and all of the sudden my “STATUS bar” bounces. ALL my icons on my “STATUS Bar” are now GONE. I have no little icons (whonix,network manager,USB, CPU graphs) ALL GONE. The only stuff left are my Qubes name,Sound icon and time. My qube “locks up”. no mouse,keyboard and HARD drive light pegged SOLID LED. BUT icons try to load and my CPU graph comes back and the little cpu bars in two sections (yellow & green). The greens bars are FULL throttle 100%, Yellow bars moving but nothing is happening .Force shut down is the only way back.Something CRASHED…

After force shutdown amazing my qube came back. I login attach this external USB to mt domain and go to folder. There is the backup BUT it’s only 4gb in size…DELETE

I was trying to backup to the same destination (USB 3.0) external SSD. Which I did successfully on 10/29/24 and it was the same HVM. The nvme’s I have my qubes OS installed on are maybe 6 months old (spanned across x2 2Tib).

Opitions I have

  • Now I could do a BIOS update But IDK, I have heard bad things about using Qubes and then updating BIOS

  • Install NEW Nvmes but why these are again maybe 5-6 months old…

All you guys do wonderful things, amazing things I will say, teaching me and stuff.
But why am I having this issue? And it’s my only issue with my Qube

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could you try in command line qvm-backup to see if there is an error reported?

Is your destination drive formatted in exfat or fat32? The 4 GB file size is really suspicious, the two filesystems I mentionned are limited in maximum file size to… 4 GB.

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HI Solene

Here is the info…
Size: 1.0TB - 727 GB free(27.4% full)
Contents: Ext4 (version 1.0) - Mounted at /media/user/xxxxxx
Device: /dev/xvdi1
Partition Type: Linux Filesystem

Well I can’t attach the external USB to dom0 to run “qvm-backup”. I thought you couldn’t do that

I attach this USB device to my “Storage domain” and then use qubes backup-gui and navigate from there.

Now I will explain this. My qube has a “wifi” pcie on the MOBO. I have a drivers card installed there instead. I can attach it to dom0. Dom0 sees it and sees the size…1.TB
I did try to backup to it BUT 20 minutes later the qubes-GUI stopped and gave me a error stating “drive out of space” But my qube didn’t lock up, actually work just fine.

I went to the nvme attached to dom0 and its size was also only 4GB, I deleted it

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This “wifi” pcie on the MOBO is based on intel chip set. I did a ton of research and found I could use this wifi pcie as added storage. I found a nvme card that works on the intel chipset for wifi, and this card is driverless.

NOw DOm0 sees the nvme, gave it a name… dom0: nvme1n1

I use to be able to bakcup to it a while ago and I could actually attach it to other domains BUT for some reason I can’t attach it no more to domains. Only to dom0, which is fine I believe that could actually be a security threat. As long as dom0 see it and I can use it great.

But for whatever reason I have a 4gb limit on it and if your right it is formatted as (exfat or fat32).
How do I formatted this in dom0? So I can use all available space

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OK guys,

I have been trying to back up and I took pictures of the errors BUT I will type what I see as there is sensitive information on them don’t want to upload.

Again I have a nvme on the MOBO wifi port (as explained above). Dom0 see’s it and it has a name as well as Dom0 see it’s size…1.8 Tib. I can also mount and unmount it

  • I mount this nvme
  • I launch “Qubes Backup-GUI”
  • Choose which HVM I want to backup
  • I navigate to this nvme (click the 3 …) “Qubes Backup-GUI” see it, click open
  • Set my password and click “start”
  • about 15-20 minutes later I get a POPUP @ 4% stating…
  • {Dom0} Backup error ERROR: ERROR: Failed to write the backup, out of disk space? Check comsole output or ~/.xession-errors for details
    MY qube doesn’t crash or lockup. I close everything and navigate to this backup file
    Well again this nvme has 1.8 Tib of space, Dom0 also states this and nothing saved there. I want to use this nvme on the MOBO. I go to this backup and it’s only 4Gib in size. I just delete it

as Solene has asked I do…
qvm-backup with this nvme attached BUT it doesn’t backup to it. It backups to my actual Qubes disk and I end up where I am at 4GIb in size. Also terminal also states…
Failed to write the backup, out of disk space? Check comsole output or ~/.xession-errors for details

I attach my External USB SSD and used “Qubes Backup-gui”

  • Do the due process with “Qubes Backup-GUI”
  • But dom0 doesn’t see the attached USB SSD in the “Qubes Backup-GUI”

I use my “Storage” domain", attach my external USB SSD, use Qubes Backup-GUI, chose my “Storage” domain, navigate to the External USB SSD. Backup starts then around 20-25 minutes my Qube CRASHES,Locks up…

This is where I am at for now guys…