Help understanding dom0 package issues

Why can’t we just modify dnf to suit Qubes, or create a drop-in replacement/modification?

Perhaps because dom0 has no network access and needs a special way to get packages.

I don’t need audio in dom0, but qubes-audio-daemon and qubes-audio-dom0 depend on it, and qubes-gui-dom0 depend on those. I get the audio, but why gui?

Dom0 is the default guivm.

The problem is that there are packages that provide things that should be included elsewhere, packages that Qubes-specific packages shouldn’t depend on, and dnf/qubes-dom0-update are difficult to work with. I’m assuming there is probably a reasoning behind these choices or simply that no one has thought about it; either way, I’m not rocking the boat and just want to understand what’s happening here.

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