Help, my OS become unstable: booting, audio and other problems

Recently my OS is acting very strange and buggy. It was stable, but a few weeks on new bugs just keeps showing up more and more frequently.

Audio problems:
Not sure if it is connected, but a few weeks ago I half-installed sys-audio. I gave up and left the work unfinished before the major tweaks. Days later. I started to have audio issues. Once, after a glitching sound I had no audio until I restarted the qube where I was playing the audio from. From then, the audio was slowly becoming unstable, and later the other bugs started occurring as well. One time the volume is changed a bit without me adjusting it. Sometimes connecting to the internet via my ethernet adaptor triggered the same, or when I plugged my headphone in. This behavior is gone, but I have bigger problems now.

I was watching a video in vlc, when the sound suddenly jumped to a very high, extremely loud and overly distorted level. However, the volume bar neither on the player, or dom0 is changed. It sounded like when you increase vlc’s volume to 200%. After restarting the qube, there was no audio working anymore in Qubes OS. When I opened the audio mixer, I saw the volume level changing, but no audio was coming out neither from the headphones or the speakers.

From then, this problem keeps repeating all the time. When it does, restarting the qube doesn’t solves the problem anymore, only a full system reboot. Sometimes I simply don’t have audio at all.

Booting problems:
Upon one of this reboots, my computer failed to boot once. After providing my disk encryption pass, it crashed and provided me the following message:

Warning: /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-root does not exist
Warning: /dev/qubes_dom0/root does not exist
Warning: /dev/qubes_dom0/swap does not exist

Generating “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt”

Entering emergency mode. Exit the shell to continue.
Type “journalctl” to view system logs.
You might want to save “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt” to a USB stick or /boot
after mounting them and attach it to a bug report.

Press Enter for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):

Since then, sometimes a few seconds after I press the power button to turn on my computer, the monitor stays black for a short period and rebooting itself again.

Also, there is no “/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt” exists in that folder. However, I didn’t checked this after the crash, only today.

Backup problems:
Backup is often failing, looks like due to the usb device is sometimes disconnected from the backup qube.

A touchbar issue:
Once, a bit back in this timeline, after get back to my suspended laptop, the mouse was acting very weird and unstable. It wasn’t looked like if it would be controlled remotely, but when I was touching the touchbar, it was hypersensitive. After I released the touchpad, the mouse moved opposite to the direction a bit where it was moving towards before. It was very prominent however. Subjectively it felt like a mechanical, or driver issue. A reboot of my OS solved the problem.

Display problems:
The newest bug now is that I sometimes have visual glitches, what I also never had before.

Is anyone have any idea about what is going on with my OS?


I think you have a hardware problem with your laptop.

Thanks for the reply! That is not good news. Is there any way to test this easily (and which component might went wrong)?

Probably this one is not the solution, but also wondering: could be this a driver based issue? My laptop is not Qubes certified, and I know in fact for this model installing the proprietary driver would be the recommended way to go, but so far everything worked fairly, so I never did.

Maybe you can boot from some Live OS (e.g. from Fedora Live) and try to use it or run some stress tests there to see if you’ll encounter the same issues.

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Did you resolve this issue? I faced similar issues, but in my case it looks like it was because of a misbehaving usb hub to which I had connected my keyboard, mouse and even the SSD off which I booted Qubes.

But I saw Qubes still getting stuck after accepting my disk decryption password. Well, one out of the two times I tried without the dodgy usb hub. I will have to wait and see if it is a regular occurrence.

Sorry for the late answer, but looks like yes. In my case the problem partly, but solved itself, probably with a dom0 upgrade!