Heads testing


Raspberry Pi works.

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Move to nix buildstack (and nix develop produced docker image used under CircleCI) by tlaurion · Pull Request #1661 · linuxboot/heads · GitHub was merged today!

Important building block (pun intended!) for Heads finally got merged, to be improved upon. Heads, once again, which was awaited for a really long while, produces reproducible ROM images again!

This means that you have no more reason to not replicate hashes and Rom images, locally, that were built from CircleCI! Each commit should produce the same exact bit by bit flashable ROM images.

But this time, you can also produce a reproducible docker image locally that can be used to test heads through qemu tcg/kvm locally, or download the latest available docker image built in the same exact way, thanks to Nix guaranteeing this contractually.

That was an NlNet grant milestone under NLnet; Heads-OpenPGP ongoing paid work, which reached its goal a bit later then expected initially. Well, this is how it goes when you swim in uncharted waters.

With heads/README.md at ecbfdbc57b23ef0b884b394e1ad97491b8d2f8b6 · tlaurion/heads · GitHub being the new building guidelines, which you are more then welcome to provide PR against for better documentation over linuxboot/heads-wiki


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Build documentation has been updated General Building | Heads - Wiki


Wow nix is amazing.

Another goodie for you all that were afraid to test heads because it seemed too complex.

The entry barrier just vanished.

With this pull request, you can run locally built qemu q35 coreboot image with Heads as payload to experiment and develop without the need of real hardware anymore! None outside of your computer and a lot of ram assigned to your testing qube!

All you need is docker and plenty of disk space in your testing qube, thanks to qemu TCG, canokey-qemu to emulate OpenPGP usb smartcard, swtpm to emulate TPM1.2/TPM2… and all past work having led to this.
(You can sniff TPM communication, sniff OpenGPG communication, boards come with debug trace on screen and the board configs can be used as reference board to compare to other boards under boards dir…)

Someone is up to implement reverse HOTP in canokey?!?

Relevant announcement You're invited to talk on Matrix

PR: flake.nix + qemu.mk : add working qemu-canokey usable from all qemu boards by default by tlaurion · Pull Request #1671 · linuxboot/heads · GitHub