Used Qubes OS 4.1.0 release to install my another computer with Qubes OS USB installer (DD Mode) to my internal drive disk.
My steps installation:
- Before Qubes OS installing to computer, I have to set Legacy Support ON and go to UEFI boot, it worked. (Secure Boot is off)
- Installing Qubes OS normally to my internal disk.
- After installing, it works normally.
I tested of:
WiFi, Web Cam, Audio, Video, Track pad, suspend, microphone and others are working fine.
Not tested:
Windows Qubes (too hard to me, so I skipped this test)
Ethernet (it should work fine)
Graphics Card (too hard to me, so I skipped this test)
Note: I’m new user, so I can’t upload attachment to forums. But I have to upload to my mega cloud folder link: