Full screen HVM Qubes Cause Permenant Irreparable Freeze/Crash

You need type all the text lines in the code block, when you enter EOF at the end the command will be executed.
This code block is creating a new file with the specific content, so if you will type it by hand in dom0 then you can type it directly in the file.
Create a directory:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/qubes/templates/libvirt/xen/by-name/

Create file:

sudo nano /etc/qubes/templates/libvirt/xen/by-name/YourQubeName.xml

Type this content in the file and save it:

<!-- import default template-->
{% extends 'libvirt/xen.xml' %}
<!-- we wanna alter the devices block -->
{% block devices %}
    <!-- import default device block -->
    {{ super() }}
    <!-- manual video config -->
      <model type='vga' vram='32768' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
{% endblock %}