Fom’s giant list of Qubes OS workarounds, tweaks and shenanigans

How to make Qubes OS usable on 4k displays

Credits goes to

Sven - Does Qubes support 4K displays? - #3 by Sven


  1. Follow Sven’s excellent instructions here: Does Qubes support 4K displays? - #3 by Sven (Obviously use /etc /not /etx/ in your debian xresources path)
  2. Change System Tools > Mouse and Touchpad > Theme >Cursor Size. (So your mouse cursor is adjusted like everything else.)
  3. If desired play with your Xfce panel settings to tweak spacing (using separators), sizes and icon sizes/layout within items.

Sidenote: I was aiming for x2 UI resolution and ended up setting my dpi to 192 everywhere and setting mouse cursor size to 48. This isn’t perfect x2 because the spaces between UI elements aren’t always increased, but its entirely usable and quite pretty.

If you also want Intellij Ultimate working at x2 on 4k:

  1. Within Intellij go to Settings > Appearance and Behaviour > Appearance > Use custom font
  2. Double the font resolution in there,
  3. Then go to Editor > Font
  4. Double the Size in there