Fedora 39-xfce update fails on R4.2 [CONNECT tunnel failed, response 403]

This simply isnt true.
As I pointed out, the second post in this very thread linked to the
GitHub issue, where workaround and resolution were both covered.
You might say - well that was 4.2, and I run 4.1 - did you raise a
separate issue? Did you ask if it applied in 4.1? In either case,
you’d have been pointed to the same thread and resolution.
If the official fix doesnt work for you, then that’s a separate issue -
but it looks as if it doesnt work because you cant wait for a package to
move from the testing repositories.

Re your snide remark about the support - I think in this case the
move to resolution was good, and another user immediately pointed to
the GitHub issue.

Do you think people should constantly be pointing other users to issues
and packages which are being updated? For every issue that impacts some
users? (This issue didnt affect every user, as you know.)
No one is paid to do that. You dont pay for support.
This is what most open source projects are like.

Could this particular issue have been better communicated? How?
There could be somewhere where users look to see if there are known
issues, and if they are being worked on. As if GitHub issues should be
duplicated in the Forum. Who would maintain that? Who would read it? Who
would decide which issues should receive this special treatment?
These are real questions: perhaps there should be a separate thread to
discuss them.

If you do want a paid support option then I can point you toward some.

That’s fine; it’s your decision whether to use the testing repos.

If the fix is only in the testing repos, and you’re not using the testing repos, then of course you won’t get the fix yet. You need to either enable the testing repos or wait until the packages migrate from testing to stable.

  1. Back up your claim with evidence. Provide quotes and links.
  2. Anyone on the internet can join this forum and post messages. You can’t hold the Qubes team responsible for the attitudes of random internet strangers.

That doesn’t come as a surprise to me at all. That’s why we try to set things up so that users don’t have to be familiar with that stuff. If you simply be patient and update normally, you will eventually get all fixes as they migrate from testing to stable. Your problem is that you don’t want to wait for the fixes to migrate from testing to stable, and you also don’t want to use the fixes while they’re still in testing. I bet if the fixes skipped testing and went directly into stable, you’d then complain that they had too many bugs and should be tested more first. What you want is simply at odds with the nature of software development.

You said “believe me,” so I believed you. :frowning: I guess I’ll have to be more skeptical in the future.

You’re right, I’m wrong. I don’t really care how you guys run your project. My bad. Ciao for now!

You obviously do care or you wouldn’t get so upset.
I’ve asked for some comments and concrete proposals. It’s a shame that
you cant do anything on that
Any one else can chip in?

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FWIW, the bot just pushed the changes to the stable users (non-testing branches) of 4.1 and 4.2 :slight_smile:


big thank you to qubes devs, for what you do :100:


What worked for me (R4.2) was changing my sys-net from Fedora-39 to Debian-12 and then running the GUI updater. No terminal or file-editing needed.

I was certainly perplexed before finding this thread.

[irrelevant comment retracted]