Fedora-33 GPG sig check fails in dnf


I want to install veracrypt on my new Fedora-33 TemplateVM. Doing gpg2 --verify [sig] [file] is successful, and I have imported the veracrypt pgp key to rpm.

But upon “sudo dnf install veracrypt-1.24-Update7-CentOS-8-x86_64.rpm” I encounter the following error.

Package veracrypt-1.24-Update7-CentOS-8-x86_64.rpm is not signed
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
Error: GPG check FAILED

Steps taken:
Download veracrypt rpm package with PGP signature.
Download veracrypt public key 0x680D16DE, import to gpg, add ultimate trust.
rpm --import
dnf install veracrypt

Thanks for your help,

Posting in the Qubes forum because my regular fedora33 VM hasn’t seen this problem. Assuming it is based on enhanced policy.