Fedora-32 dvm


Trying to launch Librewolf using the Fedora-32 DispVM but getting an error message “Failed to connect to GuiVM”. When Firefox is launched using Xterm, there is no error and Firefox launches. Trying to understand
why one process launches and the other doesn’t.

Fedora 32 went EOL almost two years ago:

You should upgrade to Fedora 37 ASAP:

4 posts were split to a new topic: The Fedora release cycle is too short

I’m using the fedora-37 template its just the template name is fedora-32-dvm

I don’t think the issue is with the template name, its still using fedora-37 after all

it seems to be something to do with librewolf, which was installed as a .rpm

librewolf shows up as an icon but it will not launch because it cannot connect to the gui-agent. Is there a way to launch the .rpm from the terminal?

How should any one know that?
You must provide more than these cryptic one liners - it’s rarely
obvious what you have done, or what you want.

Although you have been here for some time, many of your
questions and comments seem to show a huge ignorance of Qubes - not even
a working knowledge. Why is this?

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.

I recognise all these words, but I have no idea what you are trying to
Why would you want to “launch the .rpm”? You say you have already
installed it. So forget the rpm - it has done its job.

You should read the official docs, and also
this guide in the community pages
Once you have properly installed the application, think about what you
problem really is, how you can test it, and then post here with more details.

Some things for you to think about:
Can you run the application from the command line? (In the template and
in qubes that use it.)
Is a menu item created?
If there is a menu item, does it work?(template and qube)

In this case you say there is an icon - I assume you mean in the menu.
So focus on whether you can start the application in template and in
qube: use the command line to see if it will open or if there are error

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.
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how do you install librewolf? have been using it since fedora 35, now fedora 38 minimal, doesnt have any issue. also can you show the output of qvm-prefs fedora-32-dvm from dom0 terminal?