Feature Request: Peace of mind when crossing borders

Are you really reading the information provided ? ^^
You should also read this topic for more information.
Each problem has its own specific set of solutions. And the solution to one problem may be a problem for a different use case.
To me, you’re mixing things up.

@slcoleman, your post is a good ref, thanks for the thorough explanations ! A mod could even split your instructions to a separate OPAL topic ?

Will have to play with that, but just wanted to share my initial findings :

From Arch wiki " msed and OpalTool , the two known Open Source code bases available for self-encrypting drives support on Linux, have both been retired, and their development efforts officially merged to form sedutil ". So it is available from packages on Arch.

  • fedora and SuSE provide the sedutil package
  • Debian has no package, one should use the sedutil github link above (see Deb bug #825864).
    But the kernel has been compiled with “CONFIG_BLK_SED_OPAL” since kernel 4.15.17-1 (ref: bug #891213), so AFAIK support is available for booting Debian from such drives.