Error 126 when Running sys-gui salt

Hey, does anyone know why the sys-gui salt would return exit code 126 in the dummy-psu-sender and dummy-backlight-dom0 steps? Here are the logs:

[ERROR   ] Command 'systemd-run' failed with return code: 126
[ERROR   ] stdout: Running scope as unit: run-r4292bef18e8c46a39ac27b5eaf6a18b6.scope
Using sys-firewall as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time...
Running '/usr/lib/qubes/ --doit --nogui '--exclude=qubes-template-*' '-y' '--best' '--allowerasing' '--clean' '--action=install' 'dummy-psu-sender'' on sys-firewall
sys-firewall: command failed with code: 126
[ERROR   ] retcode: 126
[ERROR   ] Error occurred installing package(s). Additional info follows:

    - Running scope as unit: run-r4292bef18e8c46a39ac27b5eaf6a18b6.scope
      Using sys-firewall as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time...
      Running '/usr/lib/qubes/ --doit --nogui '--exclude=qubes-template-*' '-y' '--best' '--allowerasing' '--clean' '--action=install' 'dummy-psu-sender'' on sys-firewall
      sys-firewall: command failed with code: 126
[ERROR   ] Command 'systemd-run' failed with return code: 126
[ERROR   ] stdout: Running scope as unit: run-rcabf48a2a6a040e9860e5832858e7749.scope
Using sys-firewall as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time...
Running '/usr/lib/qubes/ --doit --nogui '--exclude=qubes-template-*' '-y' '--best' '--allowerasing' '--action=install' 'dummy-backlight-dom0'' on sys-firewall
sys-firewall: command failed with code: 126
[ERROR   ] retcode: 126
[ERROR   ] Error occurred installing package(s). Additional info follows:

    - Running scope as unit: run-rcabf48a2a6a040e9860e5832858e7749.scope
      Using sys-firewall as UpdateVM to download updates for Dom0; this may take some time...
      Running '/usr/lib/qubes/ --doit --nogui '--exclude=qubes-template-*' '-y' '--best' '--allowerasing' '--action=install' 'dummy-backlight-dom0'' on sys-firewall
      sys-firewall: command failed with code: 126

Take a look of this


Thanks… I swear I Googled. Guess I’ll have to rely on Qubes search. Does this seem like an issue that should have a GitHub issue opened? I skimmed through the thread - there’s a solution but I’m not sure why it is required for some Qubes users, which could potentially be enlightening / important


Google searching does not work; It never works because of filteration.