Display Link adapter not working

I have a Librem 13v4 with Qubes 4.1 installed. I have a second monitor and a mouse and keyboard working with it connected via a KVM switch. I have a third monitor that I am trying to connect via a USB to HDMI DIsplay Link adapter. I have managed to install the display link driver in dom0 and the display link adapter shows in the list of USB devices from the Qubes devices on the taskbar. However, the monitor still does not display anything. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to attach the display link adapter to dom0 in some way?

Many Thanks!

I don’t know if it possible to attach USB device from sys-usb to dom0.
If you attach one PCI USB controller to dom0 then you can use the USB devices connected to it in dom0.
Another option may be to create sys-gui and attach USB device from sys-usb to it but sys-gui for now is highly experimental:


I had issues with sys-gui. But apparently my display link adapter works without it. Weirdly enough I found that if I just logged off and then logged back in, the screen would then get detected. Not sure why this is and how to get it to become detected when the system starts up.