This may be another alternative, hopefully useful: GitHub - QubesOS-contrib/qubes-tunnel: Integration of vpn tunnels for Qubes OS
You can download OpenVPN config from the Proton dashboard (VPN>settings>OpenVPN: Proton)
This may be another alternative, hopefully useful: GitHub - QubesOS-contrib/qubes-tunnel: Integration of vpn tunnels for Qubes OS
You can download OpenVPN config from the Proton dashboard (VPN>settings>OpenVPN: Proton)
You need to run sudo apt update
I finally have it up and running. Not perfectly yet, but it runs. I was following the ProtonVPN instructions and then rebooting as per the instructions, before entering protonvpn in Terminal. The reboot from the app vm was the problem, as proton was no longer there. Switched from an app vm to a standalone vm, reinstalled proton, rebooted and it was still persistent. I now get error messages on first entering protonvpn in Terminal and there’s no connection. I need to enable the Proton VPN box in VPN Connections of the networking widget in the tray, when I reboot. Then the Protonvpn gui is useable and I can select and change servers. Thank you renehoj. And thanks Div. I want to try your suggestion also, for another vpn vm in a few days, when I can devote some time to that method.
This thread has been very helpful.
Out of curiosity,
Does that script only work with the CLI or does it work with the full app as well?
Does the Kill Switch actually work using Qubes? (I was wondering if a user would have to put firewall restrictions instead)
Have people been able to get the app’s taskbar icon to work though? I have other programs that don’t have a problem with it, so I was wondering…
This is the firewall rules I use, it prevents qubes using sys-vpn from connecting to the internet if the vpn is down.
iptables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP
iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP
ip6tables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j DROP
ip6tables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -j DROP