Denied whoinix.NewStatus+status dislayed when starting/creating VM

Still getting the same issues with the mytest template you requested I make.
Also notice while having the vm up for a while or while watching a video it starts spamming the notification.
Am getting this with all my templates that I mentioned above and regarding Kicksecure, I have been using it for 2 months now and this is the first time this issue has been occurring as mentioned.

So to clarify this is occurring whenever I startup a vm, when I startup the first application within a vm and then starts spamming when the vm is running for a long duration and when playing a video, such as from Youtube, or streaming site.

However it does seem for the most part the article helped by changing the policy for the default to allow.
I do find that this is only occurring now after so long odd tho.

Much appreciated with the , help and hopefully after a full system restart I wont get this issue with my other templates. Time to go and learn the entirety of Salt as it seems to be a Despicable ME run off :joy: