Dark mode in Debian 10 VM

Ha, yes. I didn’t pay attention because of the big relief. (;

This is a known issue (#2846) and will hopefully be possible in a future release.

Ah, thanks.

Xjeanjean on Microsoft Github / Qubes issue #2846 is right: Changing trayicon_mode in /etc/qubes/guid.conf doesn’t do anything in 4.1. White background remains, the enigmatic black border remains.

If anybody has hints how to darken Firefox Websites just with userChrome.css and userContent.css; no add-ons, of course — would be nice! I can’t find anything useful.

(Mozilla Thunderbird ist darkened.)

Nice! Would it be possible for someone here to volunteer to update the community guide on dark-themes? That way the solution would be more accessible.

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The Xfce global dark mode guide/summary is already there, and @sven has at least seen it.

As Sven’s obviously the dark mode expert — »struggling with this for months« —, I’m not sure about changing it into a wiki post. He can tweak it anyway, and wiki post would mean everybody with trust level 1+ could edit?

I have issues with this on Debian 12. The distro theme can change by using documented methods, but applications such as Chrome and firefox, xfce4-settings-manager etc do not get updated when the documented commands are issued.

I have compared fedora-XX-xfce template with debian-YY template with respect to their xfce initializations. While doing this I had installed some packages, but apparently one undocumented thing appears to be essential:

xfsettingsd --replace

Maybe other users can try this. I can switch between dark/light themes (including apps like firefox et al) by using from dom0

./change-light vm-name
./change-dark vm-name


qvm-run $1 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Adwaita" 2> /dev/null
qvm-run $1 xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName  -s Adwaita 2> /dev/null
qvm-run $1 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-light  2> /dev/null

similarly change-dark:

qvm-run $1 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Adwaita-dark" 2>/dev/null
qvm-run $1 xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Net/ThemeName -s Adwaita-dark 2>/dev/null
qvm-run $1 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark 2>/dev/null

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this is excellent, thanks a lot

  • using qvm-run --all for all running qubes,
  • right now thinking about putting it in context with redshift, if sunset is true or something, for more automation :>


GitHub - bimlas/xfce4-night-mode: XFCE4 GenMon plugin: Switch between light and dark variants of a theme looks like a good resource for more tweeks and even bundling it with redshift :slight_smile:

Can someone please explain how to set a custom/new GTK3 theme in debian minimal template, so it will affect all the rest VMs?
Where should I put it?
What should I run in the terminal?