Create a Gaming HVM

So these are based on templates not Standalone systems based on isos.

You can create a standalone qube from an existing template or a ISO.

Arch is a harder OS than Debian and Debian is more compatible out of the box with many applications. Would a Debian-12 template work just as well?

Yes, it would work using a debian template or fedora template or …, it is just my personnal preference to use archlinux for this kind of things since it have all the latest bleeding edge drivers.

So for this to work, there needs to be two virtual machines, one template that gets graphics processing and one template that provides graphics processing, and both can be based off templates.


Are you saying I have run a live linux system to get system information to share that with dom0 because I can’t get that information in dom0? I don’t understand the IOMMU Group and why it matters. Are you saying a live linux sysem like burn live Parrot or live Debian or Live Fedora and just boot it on my system to get the information or do you mean a live template? I do not understand this part.

You have to run a live linux system to check yourself if it should theorically work without specific issues. You don’t “share” the result with dom0 after, it is just for you, for your understanding on how your hardware is wired. For what is a IOMMU group, you can check here and contribute: IOMMU groups – security impact