Configuring a ProxyVM VPN Gateway

No problem, below is a copy/paste from my vpn qube.

set -e
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

case "$1" in

# To override DHCP DNS, assign DNS addresses to 'vpn_dns' env variable before calling this script;
# Format is 'X.X.X.X  Y.Y.Y.Y [...]'
if [[ -z "$vpn_dns" ]] ; then
    # Parses DHCP foreign_option_* vars to automatically set DNS address translation:
    for optionname in ${!foreign_option_*} ; do
        unset fops; fops=($option)
        if [ ${fops[1]} == "DNS" ] ; then vpn_dns="$vpn_dns ${fops[2]}" ; fi

nft flush chain ip qubes dnat-dns
#nft add chain qubes nat { type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat\; }
#iptables -t nat -F PR-QBS
if [[ -n "$vpn_dns" ]] ; then
    # Set DNS address translation in firewall:
    for addr in $vpn_dns; do
        nft add rule qubes dnat-dns iifname == "vif*" tcp dport 53 dnat "$addr"
        nft add rule qubes dnat-dns iifname == "vif*" udp dport 53 dnat "$addr"
        #iptables -t nat -A PR-QBS -i vif+ -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $addr
        #iptables -t nat -A PR-QBS -i vif+ -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $addr
    su - -c 'notify-send "$(hostname): LINK IS UP." --icon=network-idle' user
    su - -c 'notify-send "$(hostname): LINK UP, NO DNS!" --icon=dialog-error' user

su - -c 'notify-send "$(hostname): LINK IS DOWN !" --icon=dialog-error' user

# Restart the VPN automatically
#sleep 5s
#sudo /rw/config/rc.local

Note: I disabled auto-restart at the bottom.


#    Block forwarding of connections through upstream network device
#    (in case the vpn tunnel breaks):
# Prevent the qube to forward traffic outside of the VPN
nft insert rule qubes custom-forward oifname eth0 counter drop
nft insert rule ip6 qubes custom-forward oifname eth0 counter drop
nft insert rule qubes custom-forward iifname eth0 counter drop
nft insert rule ip6 qubes custom-forward iifname eth0 counter drop

#    Accept traffic to VPN
nft 'add chain qubes output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; }'
#iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
#iptables -F OUTPUT

#    Add the `qvpn` group to system, if it doesn't already exist
if ! grep -q "^qvpn:" /etc/group ; then
     groupadd -rf qvpn
sleep 2s

#    Block non-VPN traffic to clearnet
nft insert rule ip qubes output oifname eth0 counter drop
#iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth0 -j DROP

#    Allow traffic from the `qvpn` group to the uplink interface (eth0);
#    Our VPN client will run with group `qvpn`.
nft insert rule ip qubes output oifname eth0 skgid qvpn accept
#iptables -I OUTPUT -p all -o eth0 -m owner --gid-owner qvpn -j ACCEPT

Old commands are commented, hence you can compare changes by looking at the lines around. If you are not so proficient with this topic yet (also for ease of use), I probably just would use above linked Wirguard VPN guide. Also note, in terms of security it is better to use Qubes firewall for a killswitch instead of a firewall script within the vpn qube.