Can't run monerod manually from AppVM

Daemon successfully started his synchronization on the USB key. Thanks alot man !!!

Yo man, I just have a question about the security. I already set a firewall rule on the walletVM that only allow, I would like to know if monerod were using known ip:ports, so I can set a firewall on that one also?

You don’t need to configure firewall for walletVM since this VM doesn’t have network access (Allow networking set to none in Qube Settings). The walletVM (monero-wallet-ws) is connected to monerod-ws with qrexec.

On the daemon side (bitmonerod)

P2P Port is the one used to connect with the other nodes on the network (or locally in some cases).

RPC port (Remote Procedure Call) is used to let other applications such as simplewallet or the GUI interact with the daemon, for instance to get information about a block.

Default ports for the daemon are

  • P2P: 18080 for the mainnet, 28080 for the testnet
  • RPC: 18081 for the mainnet, 28081 for the testnet

They can be changed with following options

  • –p2p-bind-port
  • –testnet-p2p-bind-port
  • –rpc-bind-port
  • –testnet-rpc-bind-port

On the wallet side (simplewallet)

RPC port is used to let other applications interact with the wallet for instance to get balance.

The wallet do not act as a RPC server by default. It can be activated with the option --rpc-bind-port.

For daemon and wallet

The RPC data are exchanged using JSON-RPC a protocol based on JSON data format.

This page shows how to use programming language Python to interact with the daemon or the wallet via RPC.

UPDATE: Added 2 information from user36303 for completeness and because the firewall comment is important

Wallet and daemon may use 53 for DNS, which is optional.

It is recommended to only open the RPC port on your firewall if you need to access RPC from the outside, especially for the wallet.

i2p - What Ports Does Monero Use? (RPC, P2P, etc.) - Monero Stack Exchange

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