Can't clone vms

Hi everybody,
I have a machine with a fresh install of qubes. I am wanting to make a couple of clones of the Debian and Fedora templates. I have done this plenty of times without a problem on other installs of qubes.

I am getting the error message:
"Got empty response from qubesd. See journalctl in dom0 for details".

I am puzzled by this as I’ve not done anything to this system and normally is not an issue.

Can anybody tell me what may be happening?

Many thanks for any responses. I’m not that technically adept with qubes yet so my troubleshooting is not the best, but I try to learn quickly.

I am getting the error message:
“Got empty response from qubesd. See journalctl in dom0 for details”.
Could you provide the output of journalctl -u qubesd in dom0. That
should help workout exactly what is happening.

I finally solved this problem. The problem arose because my re-naming the qube at the point of cloning include incorrect characters. Having inappropriate characters in the naming box gave that response. When I named things correctly it is all good.
I apologise for the time to get back to this and I thank you for your answer. The solution was less sinister that the error message hinted at.

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