I appreciate your response. One thing I’ve noticed is that many people seem to suggest buying a second hand laptop. I’m wondering, can you tell why this is seen as being more advantageous than buying one brand new/out of the box? I’m not an expert at this stuff but I’ve learned a lot over the past years. I never like to assume I have all the answers as I know there are plenty of people out there who know more than I do when it comes to all of this. Anyway… I say this only to say that I keep an open mind and ask questions not to challenge your knowledge but to understand. All input is appreciated.
My concern is that I’m quite confident my old Mac was also infected (at the time there was no way for me to prove it as there wasn’t a lot of information out there. This was around 2015/2016/2017) I ended up selling that Mac online and knowing what I know now about the BIOS backdoor access and the inability to remove it, I feel terrible that I sold it to someone else who could then get spied on and harassed as well. I’m not saying this definitely happened, but we have to consider all the possibilities because if this continues to get out of hand, the future looks grim. Then again, if everyone is spying on everyone, that would at least level the playing field (I’m half kidding of course, I try to keep this light or I’d lose my mind)
Thanks again for your suggestions, and for hearing me out.