Building Qubes - trying to get a first successful build

Same error with a fresh build a week later. I’ve verified it also fails the same way with the docker executor.

This is a problem for me participating on the audit project. There, I’m interested in lowering unnecessary barriers to entry to get more people hands-on. Running into difficulties with the default build, and not getting responses here, conflicts with that.

List of steps

  1. In a new template cloned from stock fedora-39-xfce, clone qubes-builderv2 under /opt
  2. Copy qubes-os-r4.2.yml to builder.yml
  3. Install packages from dependencies-fedora.txt
  4. Install mkmetalink using the qubes-infrastructure-mirrors readme and move to /usr/bin
  5. Do executor-specific stuff
  6. In a new qube based on the new template, run ./tools/ docker fedora-39-x86_64 and add the default user to the docker group
  7. Run ./qb package fetch