Best Practice for 1TB of files in private storage of one Qube?


When I tried Qubes OS 2 years ago, it was difficult to shutdown Qubes OS with 1 TB inside one Qube.

So, what is the maximum capacity of private storage in a Qube ?
What is the best practice to manage 1 TB ? (I used to handle that with an external disk but I would like to have all my family pictures and videos in one Qube if it’s possible).

Thank you for your help.


What do you mean here? Delays or errors?

Upd: I think I know what is happening. The volume-backup-revert is saving the private volume snapshot every time you shut down your qube. If the qube is large, it may be very slow. You can switch it off using

qvm-volume config vmname:private revisions_to_keep 0

Don’t know if this is the same issue, but brtfs could be a solution.



thank you for your answer. I tried that before but it didn’t work for me. The time to completely shutdown my computer took up to 15 to 25 minutes…
But thank you for your input.



Thank you for your answer, you resolve my issue ! I have a SanDisk SSD like in this issue you mentioned. I reinstalled Qubes os with BTRFS. And now, after almost one month I didn’t have this issue anymore.

Thanks again.


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