Arch Template no confirmation for qubes updater

I don’t have an account at github since it belongs to Redmond now. But maybe @unman reads this thread. Aaaaand I have a hard time finding stuff in the Qubes github repositories. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand maybe @unman uses his own gitlab repo or something.

But actually reporting issues would be the way to go.

Just reported.

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The reason: the ArchLinux qubes-core-agent-linux packages don’t include these files, whereas the debian/fedora/gentoo packages include it:

user@tpl-d11:~$ dpkg -S /usr/lib/qubes/upgrades-installed-check 
qubes-core-agent: /usr/lib/qubes/upgrades-installed-check

user@tpl-f36:~$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/qubes/upgrades-installed-check 

tpl-g-min ~ # equery b /usr/lib/qubes/upgrades-installed-check 

So the idea is to fix the ArchLinux package recipe to include it, in PKGBUILD from qubes-core-agent-linux. But this recipe is complex, I don’t know if I can fix it. I will try but if someone is more fluent in PKGBUILD…

Note: Szewcu created the below issue.